सूर्य भौमिर्किवारेषुमिथी भद्राशतभियम् । आश्लेषा कृत्तिका नामे मत्र ज्ञाता विषांगना ।।१।।
When a girl is born on monday, tuesday during Bhadratithi (2,7,12) having Kritika, Ashlesha, Moola and Shatataarka Nakshatra then girl is affected with Vishakanya yog. (Note : Day, Nakshatra & Tithi together are considered for Vishakanya yog)
जर्नुलग्ने रिपुक्षेत्रे सांस्थित: पापखेचर: । द्विसास्मापि योगेsस्मिन सन्जाता विषकन्या ।।२।।
If position of sin planet (paapgragh) is in Lagnayog or Enemies house, then according to first shloka, any of the two yogs result in Vishakanya yog for a girl. (Note : Day, Nakshatra & Tithi together are considered for Vishakanya yog)
लग्ने शनिचरो यस्या सूतेर्को नवमे कुंज । विषायव्या सापि नौद्वाहया त्रिविध विषकन्या ।।३।।
If position of sin planet (paapgragh) is in Lagnayog or Enemies house, then according to first shloka, any of the two yogs result in Vishakanya yog for a girl.If a girl's horoscope has Shaani in Laagarashi, Surya (sun) in Pancham bhaav and Mangal in ninth house, then girl is bound to have Vishakanya yog. There are ancient tales on this in Gujarat & Rajasthan.
Girl born with Vishakanya yog is not alive after her birth. Even if she survives, its for short span of time. Such girl destroys her family or put them in troubles. During marriage ceremony she proves unlucky for her groom.
Married life of such girl is full with hardships. If such Vishakanya yog appears in one's kundali, the solution is 'Kumbhavivah'
Vidhava yog
1) If girl's kundali has Paapgraha along with Mangalgraha in seventh house then girl becomes widow in young age.
2) If paapgraha appears on seventh and eighth position from moon, Raahu appears at eighth and twelveth position of Mesh & Vrushik rashi then girl becomes widow.
3) If lagana is in Makar rashi and there are surya - mangal in seventh position of Karkarashi then
this problem may come. Girl becomes widow in middle of her age.
4) If paapgragha appears in lagana and saptam bhav then girl becomes window in middle of her age.
5) If your horoscope has paapgragha in saptam position and moon in sixth or seventh then girl becomes window in middle of her age.
6) If Asthamadhipati is in saptam bhaav and paapgragha is in saptamesh then girl becomes widow immediately after her marriage.
7) If the there paapgragha in sixth and eighth as well as there is no good graha in saptam bhaav then newly married girl becomes a widow.
8) During marriage if paapgraha dominates saptam, ashtam position then a girl becomes widow.
यदिलग्नगत: कुरस्तमाम् सप्तमग: कुंज । विषेयम् मरणम् पुंसाम ।।१।।
यदि लग्नतश्चस्तस्मात् सप्तम/ कुंज: । मृत्यु विज्ञानीयान ।।२।। (नारद)
The above shloka says if girls saptamesh is paapgraha in lagna saptamesh and is in improper position (6,8,12) then there is problem with married life. Same way if mangal graha appears in lagana and saptam position then girl is deprived from a love of her husband.
लग्ने व्ययेच पाताले जामित्रेचाष्टमे कुंज: । कन्या भर्तुविनाशाय भर्ता विनाशकृंत ।।
Shokla says if horoscope has mangalgraha in first, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelveth position then girl is deprived from a love of her husband. (Note : The above shloka has only considered Mangalgraha, one need to consider position of other graha also before coming to any conclusion )
Two marraiges by Krishnamurty method
If the owner of upa-nakshatra of saptambhav is in 2,7 or 11 position and have one or any three strong karyesh then there are problems in married life. On other hand, if upanakshatra is budha and 2 & 12 position are strong karyesh then there are more than one marriage in one's life.
विषकन्या भंग योग
षुमेपे ता शुभेस्ते विषारखान ।
If paapgraha is in saptam position but if it is aligned with shubhagraha then Vishkanya yog does not affect.Seventh position is place of husband and his peace and prosperity is taken in account. It there is shubhagraha is saptam then girl is showered with husbands love. Shri. Kalyan Varma has written a lot on this subject in his Saravali.
वैधत्व निधने चिन्त्यं, शरीर जन्मलग्नत: । सप्तमे पति पंचमे प्रसवस्था ।।
(सारावली स्त्री जातक)
Astham bhav decides predictions of widower if male and widow if female. Saptam position decides name, fame, prosperity and married life of a person. Fifth position decides progeny. But while considering prosperity of husband, planetary positions of females are very important. For vishkanya & vaidhavya (widow) dharmashastra says-
सावित्र्यादिव्रतं कृंत्य वैधव्यदिनिवृत्तये । अश्वत्थादिभिद्वाह्या दधानां चिजीवने ।।१।।
बाल वैधव्ययोगे तु कुंभादुपतिमादिभि: । कृंत्वा तत: पश्चात कंन्योहयेति चापरे ।।२।।
This porblem can be overcome with Vatasavitri. Performing Kumbhavivaha puja or Pipalvivah (Ashavstha) puja can also overcome the widow (Vaidhavya yog) problem.
सावित्र्यदिव्रतादिनी भक्तव्या कुर्वन्ति या: स्त्रिया । सौभागयंच सुहत्वंच भवेत् तासां सुसंगति: ।।
If a girl's horoscope has vidhavayog, then her parents should ask their daughter to perform savitrivrat or pipalvrat.
नारी वा विधवा पुत्रीपुत्र विवर्जिता । सभर्तुका सुपुत्रा वा कुर्याद व्र तभिंद शुभम ।।
(स्कंद पुराण )
The above puja (vrat) can be performed by married woman, widow, unmarried girls, old age women, mothers and issueless women.
Similar puja namely 'Vaidhavya Har Ashavthavrat' is refered in Dyanbhaskar grantha. According to the vratha parents should insist the girl to perform sankalpa on shubha muhurata. The sankalpa should be performed by a purohit or brahmin wearing colourful clothes. The duration of this vrat is around one month from chaitra vadya tritiya or ashwin vadya tritiya till next month's vadya tritiya. The golden idol of lord shiv-parvati kept in bamboo pot is worshiped and charity is given to poor and needy in the society. This puja is performed below pipal tree. If pipal tree is not available it can be performed under Shami and Bor tree. If this puja is perform for one month, one can get love of husband and peaceful married life.
वैधव्यहर कंर्कटीव्रत
One more vrat is given in Vratraaj grantha. When the sun enters rashi of the girl this puja is performed by making gold cucumber (Carcati) with raw rice (akshada). The vrat is performed according to rituals . The gold cucumber along with other eleven cucumber is given to brahmin as charity (daan). This vrat is said to wash off vaidhavya yog.
On similar lines in markandeya puran, kumbhavivah, vishnuvivah and ashvathavivah vrats are given for vaidhavya yog. In all three vrats, ganapati pujan, punyahavachan, matruka pujan, varshodhara pujan, nandi shraddha, suvarnamayee vishnupujan, homehavanadi are performed first and then other pujas are followed.
Aarka vivah
Female horoscope has vishkanya yog as well as vaidhavya yog similarly in male horoscope there is vishputra yog as well as vidhur yog. This widow predictions in male horoscope are seen in similar way to vaidhavya yog in females. If a male does not get desired love from his wifes even after more than one marriage then that male should marry Aarka (ruee) tree and then marry the other girl. This vivah is similar to Kumbhavivah eliminating janmadosh in saptabhav.
Muhurta period
आदित्य दिवसे वापि हरपक्षे वा शनिश्वरे ।।
Aarka vivah is performed on saturday, sunday, hasta nakshatra or any auspicious day.
Editing - Bhushan Sambh Shikhare(pavaikar)