What is Shraddha ?

It is an accepted principle of our tradition that the body of human being gets the expiry but the souls does not expire. Our culture recognizes the significance of parents for their kids. When the parents are alive, their sons have certain responsibilities to fulfill some responsibilities. Out of those responsibilities, one is to perform the formality of 'Shraddha'. As per the procedure laid down by our religious tradition. If this formality is performed properly, the predecessors get satisfied and bless the successors with long life, fame, strength, health and all types of wealth.

The shraddha formality performed for deceased parents is also known as Pitruyaadnya in our tradition science. It is mentioned in our traditional science that the deceased parents provide all the protection to their family even after death. Hence it is the responsibility of their successors to keep them pleased. The various types of Shraddha formalities are explained under:


This formality is performed for the deceased members of the family. Here the particular Tithi (date as per Indian calendar ) when the person expired is very much important for performing this formality. On this day, every year the Shraddha formality is performed. In other words this is also known as Sanvatsarik Shraddha.

Kamya Shraddha

While performing the formality of shraddha, any specific desire is kept in mind to be fulfilled, the Shraddha is known as Kamya. Narayanbali, Nagbali and Tripindi are the Three shraddha that are known as Kamya Shaddha or Mahalaya Shraddha. In the Krishna fortnight of the Indian month Bhadrapada, the Shraddha is performed and that is known as Mahalaya Shraddha. In other words this is also known as Parvan Shraddha. In every panchang, on the page of Bhadrapada month, the scientific meaning of shraddha and when it should be performed is explained.

Ekodishta Shraddha

The Tripindi Shraddha is called as Ekodishta Shraddha.


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